"In honor of the great philosophers of India and America—Swami Ramanuja, an 11th-century saint known for his unwavering commitment to equality, and Martin Luther King Jr., a 20th-century social reformer—VTSeva Austin is hosting an Equality Speech Contest on April 27th. Join us in celebrating their legacies and sharing your own perspectives on equality. Let your voice be heard in our quest to promote inclusivity and equity for all."
We are happy to share the news that Feb 5th 2024 has been declared as “Equality Day” In Austin,TX by Austin Mayor Kirk Watson!!
Equality Speech Contest concluded on April 27th 2024 and registrations are closed.
Winners :
Here are the Winners from each division:
Div 1 - Samarth Anchoori, Pranshi Mehta and Sudarshan Rangarajan
Div 2 - Kanishk Lalith, Arjun Guthikonda and Kharanshu Sayani
Congratulations to all the participants!
Please find the link to the photos from the event:
Students age 8 to 12 ( div 1) and ages 13 to 17 ( div 2) are invited to prepare and present a 2- 3 mt speech on one of the following topics:
1. Finding my voice
2. How can one practice equality in today's world?
3. My Hero / My Champion
Registration ends Apr 10, 2024.
You will receive an email on April 11th with all necessary details!

The contest will be held on Apr 27th, 2023 from 10:00 am to 3 pm .
Rubrics for judging: https://tinyurl.com/vtsevarubric
April 13th , 2 PM- 4 PM
Trillium Montessori,
Limited registrations for each age category..
So huuuurrrry and register at the earliest
