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VT Seva (Volunteering Together for Service) is a volunteer driven global non profit organization. It was registered as 501(C)3 non-profit organization in USA in 2008. It's Sister Organization ‘Vikasa Tarangini ’(VT) established in India in 1992 has been rendering yeoman services with more than 75,000 active volunteers. It is also active in England, Australia and Tanzania.


To promote understanding and tolerance in society by empowering our youth with value of volunteering and philanthropy. In turn, our youth will learn how to plan, develop, and implement projects for protection of animals, environment, promote free health programs, provide quality education and life skills to under privileged families, help organize disaster relief programs in time of need, and build bridges between different communities.



VT Seva's vision is to see all children and adults of the impoverished communities have access and opportunities to quality education, health care and enable them to live with dignity and pride. 



  • Provide education to under privileged children

  • Provide education to visually challenged children/youth

  • Spread awareness about cancer and provide facilities for early detection and treatment in improvised communities

  • Spread awareness about being environmetnally friendly and protecting our mother earth

  • Disaster relief

CEO and Founder

Imagine! You have become instrumental in improving the lives of a few by giving them the hope to realize their dreams, thus, filling their faces with smiles.

             How do you contemplate that? Do you think that it is a merely wasting of your valuable time and energy or feel that it is the grace from the blue and a humble chance of service bestowed up to you?.

After several personal experiences and having discussed with many friends, we have realized that it is a great chance of doing some service to someone who is really in need. This realization gave us an experience of unspeakable joy and self-satisfaction. 

             We are sure; you too, encountered such thrilling experience, now and then right! Good experiences always demand us to share with like minded.


​Come, let's together fill more smiles and hope!

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Meet our board members

Meet our location directors

Fuel positive change with your donation – every contribution counts!

VT Seva organization and the thousands of volunteers aim to help rebuild and restructure the underprivileged and under served communities.  Along with tireless community service in each location, our focus lies in providing free quality education, food for underprivileged tribal students and visually challenged, conducting free cancer screening, medical camps, and providing relief efforts when natural disaster strikes. Join us today ! 
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Read our articles


VT Seva is run by volunteers.   100% of your donations go the causes you support.


Donate, Join our events, become a volunteer, signup to feed a school on your special day, start your own fund raiser.  


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VT SEVA PO BOX 406 Princeton Junction NJ 08550


Tel: 425-625-1576



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