“Champions are made from something they have deep inside of them-a desire, a dream, a vision.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi
The mindfulness establishes a certain grounded quality, a sort of calm abiding. And in that grounded quality, one is able to observe what’s going on in the mind and to allow spontaneous insight as it arises.
Class Journey :
Unleash your creativity through
Mindfulness 2. curiosity 3. Imaginations

Topics covered :
Learn how to set your short term goals.
Guided imaginary story writing.
Mindful eating.
Open to all ages. Story guiding is based on age and imagination level.
Payment :
During registration pay $50 to VTSeva through credit card/paypal.
another $50 zelle the amount to account 480-273-1385 registered
as Nayana Lahoti for the welfare of women in Rajasthan, India .
Note : Registration fee is considered as donation and will not be refundable.
Click here to register.
