USA based non-profit organization since 2008

Branch activities
Our branch offers tremendous volunteering opportunities along with many events you can participate in throughout the year. Events range from community activities, food donations, tree plantation, street clearing to fundraisers to give back to the society you live in. Check out our page below and sign up to receive email about upcoming activities. Contact us if you have questions.
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VT Seva Cary volunteers at the Radha Krishna Temple of NC on August 25th (Sunday) . participated in different activities in helping on the occasion of Krishna Janmashtami event at the temple which volunteers will be helping out . On the auspicious occasion of Krishna Janmashtami, 24 dedicated VT Seva volunteers enthusiastically participated in various activities at the Radha Krishna Mandir. Our volunteers contributed their time and effort to assist with multiple activities. This heartfelt service was a reflection of the volunteers' commitment to giving back to the community

DAV Flowers
The DAV stands for Disabled America Veterans. As a symbol of remembrance and to commemorate the lives of soldiers, servicemen, and women that were lost fighting, little blue Forget-Me-Nots have been created since World War I. The DAV collects these flowers and are distributed to veterans to show our support for them. Annually, 500,000 flowers are created in support for this cause. Joining in, VT Seva Cary has decided to volunteer to create 5,000 Forget-Me-Nots for the DAV. Volunteers gathered at one location to help create these flowers. They were tasked with attaching flowers to a stick as well as adding a paper indicating what the meaning of the flowers were. After being collected we were able to create a gracious amount of Forget-Me Nots for the event. On August 17th and 24th , 35 Youth Volunteers did a great job staying on task, finishing the flowers efficiently, while helping make a big difference in the veterans’ lives.

Best Buddies
VT SEVA Cary volunteers continue their service to participate in a group play meet for Best Buddies at the ASHA foundation on every Sunday of the August month. During these events the special needs children at ASHA were paired up with volunteers to interact and play games such as cricket, soccer, board games, and creative activities. Our 4 youth volunteers were excited to participate in this activity, and did an amazing job assisting the children at ASHA, while also having lots of fun!

Tribute To Bharat
In Celebration of India's 78th Independence Day in August 2024, VT Seva Cary initiated a project to Tribute to Bharat" initiative, aimed at honoring the valiant freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives for India's independence In this project our youth volunteers got the opportunity by creating infographics that celebrate the lives and contributions of these heroes. We completed the presentation of all 31 Freedom Fighters which has been published everyday over this August Month . We are greatly proud of our youth volunteers & Youthboard for exemplary dedication and enthusiasm and look forward to their ongoing contributions to our future initiatives.

Food Bank-Raleigh
On July 20th, 2024, 18 of our youth volunteers visited the NC Food Bank where they worked with the staff, and other volunteers to help pack and prepare various foods to be given out to the people who need it the most. At this event, they were able to work as a team to complete their tasks efficiently and give back to our community.

On July 9th, 2024, our volunteers were able to go to a CPR session that we hosted in collaboration with the Morrisville Fire/Rescue Department. Thanks to the firefighters who were able to work with our volunteers, they learned life-saving skills that they are now able to use to help others in the future. This knowledge that was shared today provided an alternate perspective that we are very grateful for.

Brown Bag Ministry
On July 6th, 2024, 18 of our youth volunteers and an adult volunteer were able to visit the Brown Bag Ministry to help them pack food. At this event, they work with staff members, their peers, and volunteers from other organizations to make and pack various foods to provide for the community. At this event, the volunteers worked in teams to create and pack over 2400 sandwiches.

Juneteenth Festival
Juneteenth is a holiday that celebrates African American Freedom and emphasizes education and the desire to advance to an equitable society. This annual festival serves as a time to reflect on the past and acknowledge our present and how far we've come. Volunteers at VT Seva demonstrated their support for their community and people all around us through helping out at this event.

Volunteering at SV Temple
Through VT SEVA, volunteers helped in various activities at the Sri Venkateswara Temple of North Carolina including flow management, registration desk, prasadam packing, and much more. It was very fulfilling to see so many youth volunteers actively participating in an community-driven as this Kalyanam!

Meals ON Wheels -Father’s day Cards
VT Seva is partnering with Meals on Wheels to bring forth a great opportunity for Father's Day. Meals on Wheels organizations are to mend and help restore families, providing nutritious meals, companionship, and a watchful eye on the health and safety of our seniors throughout Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. Volunteers brightened the days of many fathers in the spirit of Father’s Day!

Diaper Bank
VT SEVA Cary partnered with the Diaper Bank of North Carolina to ensure that every household has basic necessities to support their dignity, health, and quality of life. They want to make sure that families with small children that are living in poverty have an adequate supply of diapers. Volunteers sustained VT SEVA’s relationship with the Diaper Bank through recurring events and contributed to their goals of improving access to personal hygiene and removing barriers to education, employment, or personal fulfillment.

VT Seva Cary volunteers had the opportunity to volunteer at the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina twice this month on 5/4/2024 & 5/24/2024. In this activites 30 youth volunteers participated in helping to pack over 20,000 pounds of food! These will provide many meals to those facing a lack of food security all across North Carolina. The events were a lot of fun and we look forward to future volunteering at FBCENC.

Brown Bag Ministry
Kickstarting the month of June, VT SEVA Cary partnered with the Brown Bag Ministry to help them in their fight against hunger. This is an event that we have done throughout the years and we have truly been able to create a great relationship with the Ministry. Volunteers packed lunches that will be distributed to homeless people across Durham and Wake County. We are glad to have the chance to work with a non-profit that ensures that no one goes to sleep hungry.

Girls On The Run
Supporting Girls On the Run, our VT Seva volunteers helped at the registration desk, the snack table, and the clean-up to help facilitate the 5k that they host at the end of their programs. Working alongside the many other volunteers and seeing the enthusiasm of the more than 2000 people participating was a truly fulfilling experience.

Mothers's day Cards to Seniors
🌸 Celebrating Mother's Day with Love and Creativity! 🌸 We are thrilled to share that VT seva Cary 50 amazing youth volunteers have come together to create beautiful Mother's Day cards. Their heartfelt creations were distributed to seniors through Meals on Wheels and Durham Centers, spreading joy and warmth on this special day .A huge thank you to our dedicated volunteers for their time, effort, and creativity. You have truly made a difference in the lives of our seniors. 💖

Play & Meet with SPED kids by Asha Foundation
VT SEVA Cary had the opportunity to participate in a group play meet for Best Buddies at the ASHA foundation. During this event, the special needs children at ASHA were paired up with volunteers to interact and play games such as cricket, soccer, board games, and creative activities. Our 4 youth volunteers were excited to participate in this activity, and did an amazing job assisting the children at ASHA, while also having lots of fun!

In support of the Miracle League organization, VT SEVA Cary volunteers participated in an event where they assisted players with special needs in order to help them play and experience the joy of baseball. Miracle League is an organization that strikes down barriers and provides children with special needs the opportunity to play America’s favorite game: baseball. To help the children, the Miracle League uses a “buddy” system – pairing each player with an able-bodied peer. 10 of our youth volunteers participated in this event as buddies, as they embodied the spirit of volunteerism, sportsmanship, and kindness.

Triangle Vision Walk
The Triangle VisionWalk is an annual event organized by the Foundation Fighting Blindness. It brings together individuals, families, and communities to raise awareness and funds for sight-saving research and it aims to support research efforts in finding cures for blinding diseases. Our VT SEVA Cary volunteers participated in helping out in the Kids Zone and at the Route Monitor Stations where they monitored the kids’ activities and also directed attendees to find the event location and later along the VisionWalk route to direct them along the correct path. All of our 14 youth volunteers and 5 adult volunteers did a great job in helping assist the attendees and the hosts during the event!