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Environment & Sustainability

What is the use of a house if you don’t have a decent planet to put it on? – Henry David Thoreau

Authored by - Shraddha, Minnesota 16 years old

Planet Earth is warming slowly each day, and as time ticks by, the issues surrounding the climate are getting more difficult to ignore. Carbon dioxide emissions are creeping higher and higher due to crowded infrastructure, irresponsible waste disposal, and the ever-growing population. As our world sinks deeper into the climate crisis, it has become more crucial than ever to utilize sustainable practices and care for the environment.

VTSeva plays a big role in encouraging the community- and especially the next generation- to educate themselves about the dangers of global warming and take initiatives to alleviate its effects. VTSeva, which exists on the foundations of service and compassion to all, takes pride in creating opportunities to “go green”. This is clearly demonstrated through many of VTSeva’s past activities, which revolve around the #MotherEarth campaign.

For one, tree plantation is a popular activity among many. Volunteers regularly sign up to plant trees in the community and are able to foster growth and greenery in their area.

Moreover, many volunteers across the United States have taken the initiative to “Adopt a Spot”. Each “Spot” is an area of land which they attend to and regularly clean up. In doing so, volunteers can enrich and contribute to their community.

On top of direct community involvement, multiple VTSeva volunteers engaged in the 90 day environment challenge and each created a video detailing their accomplishments. The videos range from information about composting to proper methods of recycling. The dedication of the youth is clearly shown in the videos. By advocating for the environment in this manner, they were able to make a difference in their lives and the lives of those around them.

No matter how dire the Earth’s condition may be today, it is important to always remember that any action taken will make an impact. Be the one to step up and create initiative for your community- observe proper methods of recycling, start composting, plant some trees, or clean up your community park. Most of all, remember to encourage those around you to follow in your footsteps. To learn more on how others have made a difference in our environment, visit And remember, change starts with you.

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