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VT Seva Detroit RAAS 2021 - Public Speaking Contest

VT Seva Detroit presents its 4th annual Public Speaking Contest.

In this modern world, people want everything fast. In a short period of time we should be able to explain and convince our ideas to the world. This competition is designed for that, all you need to do is prepare a speech for 2 minutes on any one of the topics listed below and present it to get feedback from experienced people such as teachers, Toastmasters, and senior management personnel.

This competition is not only going to help you realize your potential, all the proceeds raised from this competition will support the Nethravidyala students' education.

Last date for Registration : October 1, 2021

Competition Date : October 3rd, 2021

Three Groups:

Group 1 : Grade 3-5 (As they are small kids, they can read from their notes if they want to)

Group 2 : Grade 6-8

Group 3: Grade 9-12

Choose any one topic during registration:

  • Education is the best weapon against overcoming disability

  • Impacts of remote learning

  • Social effects of cyberbullying and how it can be curbed

Please read the Rules and Register.

Please read the Rules and Register.

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