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Seeds for Tomorrow - VT Seva Austin Youth Initiative

To plant a seed is to believe in tomorrow” - Audrey Hepburn

Seeds for Tomorrow is an eco-fundraiser intended to not only support our local charities and businesses but also inspire our community to take up gardening and protect the environment. Our VT Seva volunteers are playing a vital role in this project by nurturing seeds into plants until they are mature enough to go to different homes and inspire service in the community. With the funds raised, we are supporting various charities and businesses in Austin.

By inspiring our community to support our environment, we are helping to eliminate the use of chemicals, plastic packaging, and other toxins that pollute our earth. The versatility of plants allows for them to not only provide us food but to serve as bioplastic, medicine, paper, habitats, dyes, and much more! Knowing all that our earth has provided us to live every day with ease, and encouraging our community to preserve our earth is the least we can do to show our gratitude.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who are taking part in this project and we hope to see more of you step forward and join this amazing cause!

Lokavya Marreddy

VTSeva Austin

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VT Seva organization and the thousands of volunteers aim to help rebuild and restructure the underprivileged and under served communities.  Along with tireless community service in each location, our focus lies in providing free quality education, food for underprivileged tribal students and visually challenged, conducting free cancer screening, medical camps, and providing relief efforts when natural disaster strikes. Join us today ! 
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